Activities for Safety and Environment

Activities for Safety

In submarine cable handling works, a high risk of accidents exists always because of onboard works, high tension on cables and so on. By recognizing the safety as the first priority and assuring the following measures, KCS is always trying to prevent accidents at the cable operating sites:

  • to have internal meetings prior to the cable operation, trying to identify all suspected risks during the work
  • to have meetings focusing on the safety with members of partner companies at the work site before and after the work
  • to check safety measures on each step of operations
  • to have meetings of the safety and health promotion committee
  • to have field inspection

Activities for Quality Management

KCS obtained ISO9002:1994 certification on November 5, 1999, which is the international standard of quality management system. Considering the transition of the certificate to ISO9001:2000 on June 14, 2002 and to ISO9001 :2015 on Feb, 2018, we focus our activities further on customers satisfaction, and continue to make an effort to gain more trust from customers.


JQA-QM 3900
JQA-EM 4610

Obtained Certificate

Scope of Certificate
Repair and installation of submarine cable systems
Name of Certificate
ISO9001 : 2015/JIS Q 9001 : 2015
Certificate No.
Certification Body
Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA)
Certified Date
November 5, 1999
Renewal Date of Certificate
March 18th, 2024
Date of Expiration
March 17th, 2027

Activities for Environment

Because our business field is installation and maintenance of submarine cable systems, we, since the establishment of KDDI Cableships & Subsea Engineering Inc.(KCS), have conducted environment preservation of ocean by prevention of ocean pollution and a lawful process about industrial wastes on board, etc..
KCS obtained ISO14001:1996 certification on March 18, 2005 which is the international standard of environment management system (the certificate was made transition to ISO 14001:2015 on Feb 16th, 2018), and is, currently, promoting activities for preserving the environment on the earth further.


JQA-QM 3900
JQA-EM 4610

Obtained Certificate

Scope of Certificate
All sites, employees and business contents relating to KCS
Name of Certificate
ISO14001 : 2015/JIS Q 14001 : 2015
Certificate No.
Certification Body
Japan Quality Assurance Organization (JQA)
Certified Date
March 18, 2005
Renewal Dateof Certificate
February 16th, 2018
Date of Expiration
March 17th, 2023

Quality and Environmental Policy

KDDI Cableships & Subsea Engineering Inc. (KCS), as a corporation engaged in the maintenance and construction work for the submarine cable systems, aims to be highly evaluated and to gain trust from customers by the following activities throughout the company ;

  • Aims for business continuity to be steady, and implements building and operating our new vessel.
  • Manages and Operates businesses based on safety assurance and compliance.
  • Nurtures human resources with advanced quality consciousness and skills.
  • Complies with applicable legal and other requirements which relate to environmental aspects.
  • Improves QMS and EMS continually through whole business activities.

KDDI Cableships & Subsea Engineering Inc.